Student Voice
At Oakgrove, there are a variety of Student Voice projects. Student Voice enables students to help shape the day-to-day and future needs of the school community. Student Councils: Each year group is represented on the Student Voice body and they work closely with the Head Students from Sixth Form to examine changes that need to be made.
Any issues or matters arising from Student Voice are presented to senior members of staff and assemblies are used to raise awareness of matters that are being addressed. Students have been involved in a variety of projects, including new water fountains being fitted and benches for students installed in the main car park. The students are also currently working on a student version of the school safeguarding policy.
Student Voice forms part of the Life Studies curriculum and aims to not only increase student participation in the running of the school, but instils in them skills for life. Other Student Voice groups include:
- Learning Ambassadors
- Peer Mediators
- Peer Mentors