Careers Guidance
Oakgrove School represents a culture of high aspiration, high expectation and success. Careers Information, Education and Guidance (CIEG) is recognised as playing an important role in motivating students, promoting equality of opportunity and maximising their academic and personal achievements whilst at Oakgrove School and beyond.
Oakgrove School is committed to providing a planned programme of careers education for all students to prepare for the opportunities and challenges of adult working life. Careers Education and Guidance has a high profile at Oakgrove School and a Careers Leader manages and develops delivery to ensure the needs of students are met. Additionally, the school has a dedicated careers adviser who can provide personalised advice and guidance for students, via email or face to face.
Oakgrove School works in close partnership with the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership, WorkTree and The Careers and Enterprise Company and a Careers Governor ensures continued focus at all levels of this pivotal topic.
National Award for Quality in Careers Standard
In 2022, Oakgrove School was awarded the Quality in Careers Standard, which fully incorporates the Gatsby Benchmarks.
The school was externally assessed and received the national award for its careers education, information, advice, and guidance provision.
The award is for a period of 3 years and was presented on 30th March 2022 by Ixion Holdings as a licensed Awarding Body for the national Quality in Careers Standard.
Careers Quality Award CertificateÂ
Careers Resources & Information for Students and Staff
Students and parents/carers have access to the Unifrog platform which has a vast range of careers related resources.
Destination data to follow.
Careers Policies and Statements
Please click on the individual documents below for more detailed information about the school’s CIEG Policy, careers programme and for arrangements for Education providers and employers to inform students about their provision in person, or through physical resources.
GDPR and Confidentiality Statement
Careers Information, Education and Guidance Policy
Local Labour Market Information
To see localised local labour market information please click here