Nursery Uniform
It is our aim at Oakgrove School to bring each individual to his/her full potential in a school atmosphere of harmony and shared community values. All children are expected to arrive for nursery smartly dressed in the correct uniform. For our children in nursery, it is important that the children are warm and comfortable in their clothing and that they are able to manage their clothing when they go to the toilet.
Nursery uniform is as follows:
- Navy Blue sweatshirt with or without Oakgrove Primary School logo*
- White polo shirt with or without Oakgrove Primary School logo*
- Plain dark (black, grey or navy) comfortable bottoms – e.g. leggings, tracksuit bottoms.
Children should also bring in a named water bottle.
*Logo items can only be purchased from Maisies as they are the named outfitters for Oakgrove School. You can order uniform direct from their website: www.maisies-superstore.co.uk
Non logo items can be purchased locally from most major superstores.